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Tom Argles

HE Coordinator
Based at:
EEES, Open University

Tom is Director of Teaching for the School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences (EEES) at the Open University.

He has held this role since July 2018, and has been a Senior Lecturer in the School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences (formerly Department of Earth Sciences) since 2011, and a Lecturerfrom 2000-2011.

Prior to that, he held a NERC Research Fellowship at the Open University (1997-2000), working on highly deformed and metamorphosed rocks at the western end of the Himalaya, in northern Pakistan. Since then, his research has focused mainly on orogenic processes in the Himalaya and Tibet, with brief excursions to the Alps, Australia, southern Spain and India. In the meantime, his Himalayan research has migrated gradually eastwards, through north-west India and southern Tibet to Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh.

Tom has co-supervised more than 10 PhD students in that time, working on deep subduction and element cycling in the Alps, isotopic fingerprinting of tectonic units in the Himalaya, channel flow and crustal melting in the Himalaya, kimberlites and lamproites of southern India, and ground ice hazards in Iceland.