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Welcome to our new look website and amazing ESTA community.

ESTA is a registered charity supported by Earth Scientists who are passionate about Earth Science at all levels of education. We provide support for everyone teaching Earth Sciences - from primary school teachers to college and university lecturers and all in between.

We have a wide wealth of experience in a wide range of educational settings. We are here to help with advice and resources for teaching about dinosaurs to nursery children or want to set up a 'Geo Club' in your school or to start a new Geology A Level course (check out our annual summer school for non-specialists). Many teachers struggle with Earth Science concepts and need help with teaching content to their students. We are here for you.

For example: Did you know the mantle is green and solid? The diagrams are just red because it is hot!

Why not join us? Our annual conference is a superb opportunity to meet other Earth Scientists, to catch up on the latest theories and ideas, to hear from world renowned lecturers like Professor Phil Manning and Professor Chris Jackson.

Earth Science is for everyone Despite being one of the oldest sciences, new theories and ideas are coming to the fore all the time. It is an exciting time to be a geologist and to teach geology. For example we still don't know how plate tectonics really works or exactly how flint forms.

We have free student membership for degree students. We are inclusive of all and have members from a wide range of backgrounds and experience. We work with the Geological Society, Royal Astronomical and Geophysics Society and universities to bring our members up to date with relevant and topical information and resources in the field of Earth Science education.

We hope you like what we have done so far with our new website and hopefully look forward to meeting you at our next conference in Liverpool at the end of September.

Angela Bentley ESTA Chair

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