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ESTA membership

Why join ESTA?

ESTA is the professional association for teachers of Earth Science in the UK. By joining ESTA you will be joining like-minded professionals in developing your own practice as well as gaining the opportunity to share your expertise on a national scale. ESTA speaks on behalf of all those teaching Earth Science through geology, sciences, geography and enivornmental sciences.

Your membership is vital to support and sustain the work of ESTA, ensuring that geology and the wider Earth sciences remain embedded across schools, colleges and universities.

Join ESTA as a member or fellow and receive a host of benefits including the right to use the post-nominals MESTA and FESTA.

ESTA is the UK home of earth science education. Our members include pre-service teachers, teachers of sciences, geography, geology and associated subjects and teacher trainers. They come from industry as well as a wide range of educational settings including schools, colleges and universities.

If you are teaching geology already, membership will affirm your professional status. If you are about to begin teaching geology, membership will connect you to the UK's experts in the field.

Members receive Teaching Earth Science, the journal of ESTA.

Our Annual Conference showcases good practice in earth science education.

Our Newsletters keep members informed of ESTA news as well as signposting useful resources, events and activities.

Our experts can help you with aspects of fieldwork planning, teaching resources and demonstration ideas.

Our website is home to an outstanding collection of original earth science teaching resources, unique to ESTA.

Our member networks give you access to hundreds of earth science educators.

We regularly secure discounts for members from geological equipment suppliers, study centres, travel companies and activity centres.

Attendance at ESTA events counts towards teachers' annual CPD time targets and can be used to provide evidence of learning and impact on a wide scale for UPS main scale progression.

Associate member
£ 0  / Year
  • Associate membership is free for your first year and £10 per year for two further years*.
  • Open to:

    • Trainee teachers of geology, chemistry, physics, biology, geography and enviornmental science or allied subjects.
    • Anyone actively interested in Earth Science education while in further or higher education.

    Benefits of membership:

    • Discounted conference fees and other paid-for resources.
    • Access to members only resources.
    • Receive publications electronically.
  • * You will need an email address from a recognised training provider in order to qualify. A payment of £20 at the end of your first year secures two further years at the reduced rate.
£ 40  / Year
  • Full membership is £40 per year*.
  • Open to:

    • Practising teachers of geology, chemistry, physics, biology, geography and enviornmental science or allied subjects.
    • Anyone actively interested in Earth Science education.

    Benefits of membership:

    • Members can vote at association meetings and nominate Council Officers.
    • Members can stand for election to serve as a Council Officer of the association.
    • Use of the post-nominal designation "MESTA".
    • Discounted conference fees and other paid-for resources.
    • Access to members only resources.
    • Receive publications electronically.
Insitutional membership
£ Contact us for institutional membership rates  / Year

We offer Institutional Membership to organisations providing training that involves the Earth Sciences. Typically, these include schools, colleges, universities.

We offer Associate Instituional Membership to organisations that support the Earth Sciences or employ Earth Scientists, such as museums, field trip centres or providers, construction or resource/waste management companies.

Contact our Membership Officer to find out more about how we can work together.